Mexico’s overall Positive Oceans Index score is 6.7, ranking it in 6st place out of 30 countries. The country has high scores for Marine Biodiversity at 8.7 and Marine Protection and Conservation at 8.4.
Mexico protects 19.7% of its marine estate (i.e. MPAs) and most of its fishing being artisanal and for domestic use.
However score for Marine Recreational Activities and Coastal Development and Infrastructure are lower.
The country has a relatively high Coastal Tourism Density at 1'739 tourists per coastal kilometre and cruise ship passengers exceed one third of its coastal population. It also operates several captive marine animals attractions. While explain it score for Marine Recreational Activities at 4.
Mexico's water, wastewater, as well as availability of drinking water and sanitation are average, with the exception of a higher score for solid waste treatment, i.e. its Coastal Development and Infrastructure Score at 5.6.
At A Glance
1'096'361.7 km2
Total Marine Estate
Marine Protected Areas
Sustainable Marine Parks
Coastal Tourism Density
Recreational Marine
Estate Pressure