House of the waves
Casa de las Olas is far from the average choreographed vacation experience. Unique from other accommodations, what set them apart is the care and personal attention that they provide to their guests. Run by travelers for travelers, Casa de las Olas is about great food, engaging conversation, discreet relaxation and people who appreciate the same.
1. wildlife, biodiversity & natural habitat
2. water & energy
3. climate
4. community, heritage & culture
5. jobs & education
6. decent work
7. inclusivity & opportunities
8. community, heritage & culture
9. investment
10. resilience
11. ethics
12. local sourcing
+host positive actions
1. wildlife, biodiversity & natural habitat;
2. water & energy;
3. climate;
4. waste.
5. jobs & education;
6. decent work;
7. inclusivity & opportunities;
8. community, heritage & culture.
9. investment;
10. resilience;
11. ethics;
12. local sourcing.